Tuesday 6 August 2013

One-Pot Wonder Soups!

Hi all!
My mum was bugging me to make another post, so here it goes. We have some super-top-secret recipes hidden away in the freezer. If you don't know what I mean by that, I mean frozen soups! Of course, we eat a ton when it was just made, but it can be easily frozen for up to a year. Up in the soup bowl first is the carrot-ginger soup. It was actually more of an experiment, and we'll probably never make it again. Never enough vegetables in that, really.

What this is, is a simple purée of carrot and ginger. It miiiight have a tad too much ginger though. (It's really spicy!!). Put some kale pieces in there to soften up, and top it off with plain, fullfat yogurt.  It can also be eaten cold!

This is our famous beet borscht. Or it sort of is, anyway. Borcht might not be the right way to describe this dish.

The only reason it looks like that is because it isn't cooked yet. It will look really red after because of the beets. Red cabbage, red onion, beets, celery, carrots, garlic, ginger (powdered and grated fresh), parsley, beet tops, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and vegetable stock. Serve it with a dash of fresh parsley and plain yogurt or creamy goat cheese.

Last but not least, the Eight Vegetable, Three Bean Chili!
This chili has chickpeas, kidney beans, adzuki beans, kohlrabi, peppers, carrots, zucchini, kabotcha squash, onion, strained tomato, and celery. It also has garlic, fresh ginger, and parsley as well. Serve with avocado, tortilla chips, and plain yogurt if desired.

That's pretty much all the soups/one pot wonders we ever make. If frozen, it is amazing to have during cold nights of winter!

Friday 2 August 2013

Candlelit Salad- 1

Hello all! *waves at audience*

Here is our great food for the week! This week I'm featuring some dinners salads we've had. I'm going to start with...

This is a typical, easy, school-night salad. I like to call it the "Baked Cod Spinach Salad". We put together these ingredients:

-cod fillet

All organic, of course. And doesn't it just look divine?

Our standard dressing is made out of apple cider vinegar, hemp oil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a touch of agave nectar! It is sweet and tart and goes great with everything.

Our next salad here, for you 'advanced cooks'...
Okay now I'm just going to tell you what it is, and if you don't know how to cook that's your problem.

This is a typical salad (spinach) with oil-massaged kale, cherry tomatoes, and roasted fennel. That's right, that's fennel. Roasted perfectly in the oven, tender and sweet. Little bit of thyme on top. Don't forget our signature vinaigrette.

Ughh, this is one of my favorite salads. This salad has sautéed beans on top, cooked with red onion and dried chili peppers. For the base of the salad it has carrots, avocado, sesame seeds, and a mix of baby leaf lettuces (including baby spinach and romaine.)

This is another basic salad base, but on top we have roasted yams, pecans, daikon, avacado, and sesame seeds, paired with our wonderful dressing!

Yet again, another basic baby spinach/romaine mix. This particular salad, though, has roasted yams (we're huge fans of yams), olives, goat feta cheese, crimini mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, and dressing.

This is a very, very simple salad topped with asparagus, sesame seeds, and daikon. Inside of the nori sushi handroll, there is carrots, avocado, daikon, ancient black rice, and asparagus! Oh, and don't forget your wasabi in your sushi and dressing!

This one was very recent. It was a plain spinach base topped with purple carrots, pecans, yellow pepper, raisins/cranberries, and grinded, raw beets with sunflower seeds. Now, if that doesn't make you hungry I don't know what does.

Here is our last salad for tonight. It's a fancy Greek-style salad, made with tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, feta cheese, and olives. With this salad, we used a different dressing : olive oil, balsamic, and a touch of pure maple syrup. Don't forget to put a dash of parsley on top (even though we forgot!)

Oh my, looks like it's time for dinner yet again! Hungry Cat perhaps not so hungry anymore?

-Hungry Cat


Hello, readers!

As you may already know, this is a blog about health food. But, it's not just any food, of course. You have to remember that it is real food. Even that term doesn't explain our site quite right. You see, people often say, "I'm hungry, is there any food here?" or "Some food would be great right now." What kind of food do they mean, though? Junk. They mean junk food. Come on, let's be honest here. When somebody says "Some food would be great right now.", what do you think they mean? Potato chips, maybe some pizza? Perhaps a little bit of cheese on a cracker? Maybe some chocolate and marshmallows. How about a hot dog?

The truth is that this isn't food. Hot dogs, pizza, marshmallows, and potato chips are simple to recognize as junk. But you wouldn't think cheese and crackers, would you?

If cheese isn't organic, or the cracker is made out of white flour, that's not healthy either. And what about those delicious fruits and vegetables from the grocery store? Well, the real truth here is that you're eating pesticides and genetically modified DNA. Does it sound delicious now? I thought not.

This blog is all about getting back to basic food. That's right, the real stuff, the stuff you grow in your garden, or get from the farmer, or buy organic. This stuff is good. This is real, basic, food.

I've spilled my guts long enough by now, but people don't seem to get it. The point of eating healthy is not to live longer or to evade illnesses. Even though those things really do happen and are still important.

The point is to get back to our Earth and not only embrace it,
But live it.

This blog was already started about a half a year ago by my Mum and I. We figured, it would be a great idea to really get ourselves out there, and show others what we eat and what we live for. I'm the silly one who always forgets to update though, so our site ended up... crashing, in a sense. That's why we moved it here, to http://basic-real-food.blogspot.com/ . Understandable, yes?

I had better get to finishing this newly-renovated site, so au revoir for now, and... well...

Bon appétit! ;)

-Hungry Cat